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Michigan Custom Home Builder
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Olympia's Custom Home Building Process
First Name
Last Name
Do you currently own a lot?
Yes I have purchased a lot.
In the process of purchasing one.
No I need to find a lot we like.
Do you have Architecture blue prints for a home?
Yes I have Architecture blue prints for a home.
I am working with an architect.
No I need Architecture blue prints
Have you applied for a construction loan?
Yes I have applied and i am approved.
I am working with a bank.
No I need to find and start the process.
What is your time line you would like to start?
I would like to start the process within 1-3 months.
I would like to start the process within 3-6 months.
I don’t know when but would like to get a plan together.
Additional info ( always helps)
Thanks for submitting!
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